Friday, January 3, 2014

Wrapping Up 2013

I painted this origami crane during the last few months of 2013. I gave it to my mother in hopes that it will bring her good health in 2014 (and far beyond!). Cranes are often thought of as a symbol of hope, healing and longevity.

I spent most of November working on an advent calendar for my friend Sophie. The calendar was in the form of a book. On each page was a seed packet envelope containing a drawing. I was so artistically drained from making the book and the 25 drawings, that I didn't make a Season's Greetings card this year. Sophie made an advent calendar for me too. Hers involved delicious chocolates wrapped in lovely fabric flags. Making the calendars was a lot of work, but it was a creative, fun way to share the holiday season with a friend who lives many states away. Here is a photo of my 25 drawings and a close up of the picture for the 25th day:

In December, I finished doing some drawings for my friend Margie. She's getting married and asked me to do some illustrations for her Save the Date and invitations. The wedding is going to have a country theme, so I drew a barrel, a wooden fence, a wagon wheel, a mason jar, and a barn. It will be interesting to see how Margie and Greg use the artwork on the final products. Here's one of the drawings:

 During the week of Christmas, I drove my mother, her dog, and my grandmother down to my brother's house in North Carolina. My sister and her boyfriend flew up for part of the week. It was amazing to be around so much family on Christmas Day. That hasn't happened in a very long time. My brother's wife had decorated every inch of their big, historic home, so that it felt like the set of a Christmas movie. One of the highlights of the week for me was sketching at the dining room table alongside my niece and my sister's boyfriend. I wish I had taken a photo of all of our sketchbooks. Here's what I drew that day:

Looking forward to making much more art in 2014! Happy New Year!

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